2018 Professional Development Day Event Sponsor
The Kansas Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America hosts an annual Professional Development Event to educate communication professionals. This year we are excited to welcome Jane Dvorak, 2017 National PRSA President and Silver Anvil award-winner, as our...
PRSA Apps for Members
By Jennifer Strong Worrell, PRSA Kansas At-Large Director Did you know that PRSA has several apps? Through the PRSA app, members have convenient access to the latest edition of PRSA’s Issues and Trends publication, webinars, association web portals, exclusive content,...
PR Pros Should Serve as Ethical Touchstone for Industry
By Jamie Opat, PRSA Kansas Ethics Chair Disclosure. As public relations professionals, we represent publics that expect and demand full information. As PRSA members, we follow an ethical code of conduct that addresses disclosure as a way to build trust and to foster...
No Matter the Platform or Channel, the Key to Great Content is Always the Same
By Susan Dyer, PRSA Kansas PR Chair During our last PRSA chapter meeting, we watched a webinar about Snapchat, PR in a Snap (PRSA log in required to view the webinar), one of the latest shiny objects to hit the social media landscape. During the webinar, the...
2017 Chapter Recap
By Heather Welch, PRSA Kansas Past President It’s a new year, and we’re excited to bring another year of networking, learning and sharpening your PR skills. Our new board recently met and are tasked with developing goals for 2018. Once those are finalized, we’ll post...
PRSA National has announced a statement on alternative facts.
Truth is the foundation of all effective communications. By being truthful, we build and maintain trust with the media and our customers, clients and employees. As professional communicators, we take very seriously our responsibility to communicate with honesty and...