Finding Time When There’s No Time: Why Rest Isn’t Lazy

11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22 at the Advanced Learning Library

Listen up! Running on fumes doesn’t make you a bada**—it makes you exhausted. Rest isn’t some luxury; it’s how you survive and thrive. In this talk, we’ll reclaim your time, shut down the guilt, and make rest the unapologetic power move it’s meant to be.

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Eden Jackson is like that one aunty who tells it to you straight, but always has a glass of wine and a hug waiting after she drops the truth bomb. She’s been through the trenches—trauma, self-doubt, and all the messy in-betweens—and came out on the other side with a mission: to help people (mostly women) stop apologizing for taking up space and start owning their lives. With a sharp wit, a big heart, and zero patience for BS, Eden encourages us to turn our “hot mess” moments into our next big flex. Her philosophy? You don’t need permission to live boldly—you just need the guts to stop playing small and get out of your way.